British Border Fancy Canary Club





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Show Classification Definitions

CLEAR BIRDS -  A clear bird shall be clear, but the presence of dark flue which cannot be seen without unduly disturbing the bird, or the natural discolouration of legs and beak shall be entirely ignored.

TICKED BIRD -  A ticked bird shall be one with ONE mark, coverable by a new penny, on the body, or three dark feathers on wing or tail, side by side to form a solid mark. Any grizzle mark covered by one new penny to be classed as Ticked.

FOUL BIRDS -  A foul bird is the opposite to a ticked bird. Light marks on dark feathers.

EVEN MARKED -  An even marked bird is one with four technical marks, viz., marks to be even on both wings and on both eyes, broken marks to be disallowed. ( In judging marked birds, Type and Quality should form the first consideration in these as in all other classes, and no prize should be awarded for good marking alone where Type does not confirm to the National Councils Standard of Excellence.)

VARIEGATED BIRDS Shall be those which have other markings in addition to, or without the technical marks, thus:-

VARIEGATED – More light than dark.

HEAVY VARIEGATED – More dark than light.

THREE PARTS DARK – To be 75% dark.

SELF BIRD – A Self bird shall be one having no light feathers visible. Light flue under region of vent shall not merit disqualification. Light tips to otherwise dark feathers, wherever seen, shall be counted as light marks, so that a dark bird with such features is either foul, three parts dark or variegated according to the extent of such markings. The Self or Foul Border just as the clears, variegated and ¾ dark must conform to the standard of excellence with regard to Type and Quality. Poor or bad colour should be penalised just as it is in the clear and variegated sections.

GREENS – The correct colour shall be rich, pure green and should be likened to the top side of a young holly leaf (buff green). Colour should be pure and level throughout, free from bronze, brown or olive tints. Penciling to be finer but in harmony with that on the back. Beak, legs and feet to be dark, but failure in this respect does not lead to disqualification, but simply counts against the bird, according to the extent.

CINNAMONS – The correct colour to be a rich deep cinnamon throughout. The buff cinnamon to be a softer shade. Back and flank markings as with greens but of a brown shade and fainter. Greenish or light tints to be avoided.

BLUE – The correct colour to be as clear a shade of blue as possible in the yellow feathered bird. Of softer shade in the buff form. Other points as for the greens.

FAWNS – Colour of soft pinkish form. Otherwise as for cinnamons.

N.B. – In judging self birds or foul birds where type and quality are on a par or thereabouts every credit possible should be given to birds of the current colour and markings.


Copyright BBFCC 2005 - 2015

Site designed and maintained by Jeff Hamlett -